It's interesting and fun to search your names in search engines, specifically Google. Sometimes you may find links related you or related to other people sharing your name. And if you want to know about any person, you may try to google their name. You may find some related information. Gone those days, when you can only get information about popular people from other websites and wikipedia etc. Allowing search engines to index profile pages of LikedIn, FaceBook, etc. made it easier for other people to make a online identity searchable be search engines. In addition to this Google also shows suggestions with any name of the person. Now you can easily find out which are the most searched and mostly available (on the world wide web) names.
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4 months ago
mu bujhi paruchi .... humm ... bhala bhala , chalu semiti chalu...
@deb I may be searching for Sulagna Misra, the model... ;)
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