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A Spelling Mistake can Keep You on the Top

A spelling mistake... everyone does. Frequent reasons for these are less familiarity or use of that word and typo error. Typo errors frequently occurs when we type at a fast speed and not familiar with the keyboard layout. When you have spelling mistakes in your blog, your readers may not like them. But Google Bot have no problem with any spelling mistake. It indexes without any hassle. Then how it can be benefited? Simple..., like you do spelling mistake while typing something, many people also make spelling mistake while typing keywords for search. If Google found that misspelled term in any website or blog, it displayed in the result. So there is a chance (however less, as Google shows spelling suggestions for search keywords) that the person may pay a visit to that website or blog.

I came to know these when I was checking top keywords for this blog in Google Webmasters Tool. I misspelled the word trends as treands and many people search for "google treands". This term comes in top ten keywords for this blog and this blog is also listed in top ten of that result. However I never get any visitors from this.

I use mozilla firefox and it's spelling suggestion is also turned on. I wonder how I made that spelling mistake!!! Anyways, it give some fuel to write something useless. ;)

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