
I moved to Now I am blogging there, so please visit and keep me reading. love, Debiprasad

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Advantage of Adding Blog Roll

You must have seen blog rolls in most of the blogs. Blog rolls are the list of links to the blogs which you visit or read on a regular basis. The concept behind blog roll is to recommend your visitors or readers to those blogs. Links in blog roll has some more advantage than just any link. This is because when any reader reads your blog and if he\she likes it, he\she would also like the blogs which you refer. As per my personal experience, I found that people don't care about other links, however they can see your link as most recommended. But when they find your link in a blog roll they will click on it to read. It is completely psychological. A person who is reading blog will like to read the blogs in blog roll. So if you find any blog useful ad this to your blog roll and ask that blogger to add your. But it depends upon that blogger, that he/she will found your blog useful or not.
I am posting this because I got visits from the blog roll of Shubhspace, into which my blog was added recently, where as I have not got any visitors form a website, where I have done link exchange. So I say, blog roll concept is better than link exchange. However blog roll is one kind of link exchange.

If you like my blog and want to add this in your blog roll, then please contact me. I will also add your blog to my blog roll if I like your.

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Yahoo Advertises in Ads by Google!

Today I saw one Yahoo Mail ad, that you can send free sms from your Yahoo! Mail inbox directly. Interesting thing is that this ad served by Ads by Google. It is considered that Yahoo competes Google in Advertising field. So it is some what amazing to see this.

Let's see when I can see Google Ads in Yahoo!

Yahoo Advertises in Ads by Google!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend TwitThis

Change background color of any webpage using JavaScript

Have you ever seen any webpage with similar background color and text color? So how do you feel while reading those texts? I feel difficulty in such cases. But one simple JavaScript will work great to change the background color as you wish and you can read the text easily.

Now please read this (click here to see the working solution): document.bgColor is deprecated : How to change the background color of any web page using JavaScript --- Please click here to see the working solution.

javascript:document.bgColor='white'; void(0);

What you have to do is copy above code, pase it in the address bar of your browser and hit enter. And you will find the background color of thet page has changed.

Here I have given the color as white. You can use any color as you wish. You can also use both name of the colors and hexadecimal color code.

This works both in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Before this code I was using only javascript:document.bgColor='white'; But while using this code, this goes to another page and displays the value which you have given for background color. So, I have to hit back to read the previous page. This works in Mozilla Firefox only and in IE, it did not work, as IE unable to catch the change done by external javascript. Thanks to Tanima for find out this problem.
One more thing, if you are using IE (Internet Explorer), I recommend you to use Mozilla Firefox.

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How to remove or delete labels from your blogspot or blogger blog

Created some more labels? Now it must be going lengthy in the menu. Need to remove/delete some unused or unnecessary labels? You must be searching in blogger control panel to find out the option to remove/delete a label. But there is no such option. But you can easily remove/delete this. What you have to do is remove that label by editing from each post that label has. To do it quickly or more easily, go to blogger, login, on your dashboard click on the Posts link of the blog. Now click on the label you want to delete. It will list all the post containing that label. Now select all and in "Label Actions..." drop down select Remove Label -> The Label you want to delete. Now this label will be deleted. This is the easiest method to delete or remove any label.

If you want to know how to edit any label in blogger, then visit this link:
How to edit any label in Blogger

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One more from Orkut

Well, I can't say this a bug. Because, it is my mistakes to consider everything as bug. As Sanat said, these are the limitations of his application, not bugs, when I pointed some limitations of his php exam application. It took some time and a chat war between us, to convince me that those are the limitations, not bug. So, why should I call everything odd in Orkut as bug?
When it is not available you will call it as limitation. When it is wrong, you will call it is bug. But when it is there, but not required, what will you call? Don't know what should I call it. Please suggest me a word for this.
The member which as 0 friends and 0 communities, but you will find the link to see all. Check this photo and you will understand this.

Please send me your comments, and don't forget to suggest me a word for this.

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Found another Bug in Orkut : Profile Views

This bug I have seen before, but did late in posting. Well as I have created my Orkut account in February 2006, it shows Profile Views since Feb '06. But the interesting point is it is showing this 12, where last week the number of my profile visitors is 8. This means, if Orkut is correct, my profile is visited by 4 users since Feb 2006 to March 6, 2008. Means in around two years, my profile is visited by 4 users. But I have currently 262 friends, 1224 scraps and 40 fans. How only 12 people has visited me since Feb '06?

Have a look to the snap shot:

I will try to keep updated statistics for this bug. And I request you to post your comment on this and what is your profile view statistics.

Found another Bug in Orkut : Profile ViewsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend TwitThis

Ibibo and Photo Bucket

Did you see the ad of ibibo? They are targeting Photo Bucket. In photo bucket, you can store unlimited photos. Ibibo also provides unlimited photo storage facility. In addition to this, ibibo provides many more other services, such as to ask question, blog, social networking, calling phone to phone and many more. Ibibo wants to attract photobucket traffic. That is why, it is showing in its ad, don't be a balti (bucket), join ibibo. But anyone unknown to this will confuse and think, why they are saying: don't be a balti, join ibibo!

Ibibo and Photo BucketSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend TwitThis

Found Bug in Orkut

I was just Orkuting (Think orkut is a verb :-)), and found something, in my idea, I will call them bug. I landed on the profile of a very beautiful girl, and I wanted to say her that she is very beautiful. When I tried to scrap her, due to her privacy settings, it showed: no scraps from you and You can only see the scraps you sent to **Her Name** . There was no option to scrap her, but I can only see the scraps you sent to her! If I can't scrap her, how can I see the same? Well, I am wrong here. It may happen like this, if I would have scraped before she changed the settings, then I can only see the scraps you sent to her. But the second point, which I am going to say now, is a definitely a bug. Here I am not going to defend. This is not a critical issue and not going to make any problem, if not fixed. Well, I found there: "first | <> | last" links and these are working fine. But my questions is what is the need of this? When there is no scraps from me to display, then what is the need of the paging.
I am not as good the those peoples at Google. This is what I think, I posted. Please give me your comments.
----- :: Get many scraps, photo scraps and testimonials for Orkut

Update (31 May 2008)
Today I came to know why so? Actually the paging used in that page is according to number of total scraps. However you can see only your scraps. Suppose there is no such settings and you can see all scraps, and your scrap is in 2nd page, after 10 recent scraps. So you need to go to 2nd page to see your scrap. Now suppose this setting is on. Now you can see the your scrap only. Still according to wrong logic used in this module, your scrap is in second page and you can see your scrap if you will click on next page.

This bug is due to they are providing total number of scraps as a parameter to the logic which builds the paging. Instead, they should provide number of scraps you have made. Well this is the solution to this bug. Now if developers @ Orkut can read this then it is easy for them to fix this bug.

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Copy to Clipboard

Do you want to copy any contents on click of button or any other event. Here is the solution.

But this will work only in Internet Explorer. So what will you for other browsers? Here is another solution.'UniversalXPConnect');
var clip = Components.classes[';1']
if (!clip) return;
var trans = Components.classes[';1']
if (!trans) return;


var str = new Object();
var len = new Object();

var str = Components.classes[";1"]

var copytext = "The Text you want to copy"; = copytext;

trans.setTransferData("text/unicode", str, copytext.length*2);

var clipid=Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard;

if (!clip) return false;

clip.setData(trans, null, clipid.kGlobalClipboard);

And this may show this error
uncaught exception: A script from "" was denied UniversalXPConnect Privilages.

This is because, Mozilla doesn't allow copying to clipboard unless the script is signed (Digital signatures, from Verizon, etc.). And even if its signed it asks for user permission before allowing the script to do so.
So what will you do. Here is the solution:
There is this flash component which allows copying to clipboard from any browsers. Its not designed by me. But I had used it once and its working in almost all browsers I have tested. I am not getting the exact source of this file. But its released under the GPL, so freely distributable.

Download this file:
Keep it in the same folder.

Here is the code:

function copy(text2copy) {
if (window.clipboardData) {
} else {
var flashcopier = 'flashcopier';
if(!document.getElementById(flashcopier)) {
var divholder = document.createElement('div'); = flashcopier;
document.getElementById(flashcopier).innerHTML = '';
var divinfo = '';
document.getElementById(flashcopier).innerHTML = divinfo;

It has also some limitations, I will discuss it later. Please give your feedback and comments.

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My Blogroll


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