Finally I saw the link to change the theme in orkut. The link is available near your email id at the top right. You can also choose themes tab from the settings also. By selecting a theme, will decide the way your profile page and scrapbook page appears to you and all others. You can also choose not to view any profile skins by clicking on the checkbox provided. The themes are
- Orkut Blue - The one, the only… classic orkut
- Beach - Sun, sand and surf, but watch out for the crab!
- Country side - Rolling hills of green, blooming flowers, and leisurely grazing animals
- Snowman - A snowman waits and watches in his winter wonderland
- View from a moon - A looming planet and the starry vastness beyond
- Bus Stop - Waiting, waiting, waiting for the bus to come
- Winter - Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
- Autumn - Winter's on it's way, no more time to play
- Spring time - The world is once again bright, shiny and new
- JR - the friendly giant - Everyone needs a friendly giant
There are two new themes coming soon also. These are, AJA Tiger and Tea House.
Currently I have applied the View from a moon theme. But I like the classic one. After having some experience most probably I am going to switch to the classic.
When I logged into orkut, I found that the theme is default one. When I checked change theme page, I found that Snowman, View from a moon and Bus Stop came to category Coming soon! If you are using any of these meanwhile it will be changed to default automatically.
Updated (9th June 2008)
Most of the people can find some scripts, which says that it will install the designed theme with celebrities photos as background of the theme. Please never run those scripts. Those scripts will not install any theme, but will send scrap to all your friends with the message to install themes. Like this way the message will spread, but no theme will install. It can be dangerous and your account can be hacked easily. To know more please read: SQL or Script Injections in Orkut
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