I heard that Google is launching its browser, which is made as per the need of today's web use. So I started searching and without visiting any result clicked on the google logo to go to its home page. There I found the link to download the browser.
Ahhh. It's just 475 KB, where as Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1 is 7.8 MB. But, when I opened ChromeSetup.exe, it started downloading the original package. And in my upto 256 kbps connection it took little more time. So I thought to sleep keep my system running. But before I leave it asked me whether I want to import all settings (cookies, home page, bookmarks, passwords etc.) from Firefox (it's my default browser). I choose yes and it showed me a warning that, I need to close firefox to import. (I don't know, this is for chrome or for firefox, to close while importing). I closed firefox and tried to continue. But I was getting the same message continuously for 10 times (I was counting). Then it imported successfully. There is no customized installation option. It installs all automatically into the default location as it do for GTalk. And then it did not respond for few seconds and started the much awaited Google Chrome.
Well first I like the tab positioning. They are over the title bar of the browser, which gives me some extra space vertically for my screen. It has most of the features which Firefox has. But the CSS rendering and the forms rendering is much like Safari. (Official Build 1583 consists Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13, that's the reason.)
Let's discuss about its features.
- Some features which you can find in Mozilla Firefox and other browsers like Opera and Safari. Those are: One box for everything, a new tab page, safe browsing, instant bookmarks, importing settings.
- Here come all the best and unique features in Google Chrome: Application shortcuts, Crash control and Incognito mode.
- I also like the way the files download in it.
To know more about the features of Google Chrome, please visit
this (Click Here).
There is no menu bar in the chrome window, as found in normal applications. There is two icons to provide all the needs. A new tab welcomes you with the snaps shots of most visited sites, which makes you to surf faster with your frequently used websites. This is similar to Speed Dial of Opera or any similar addon of Firefox. The difference is in speed dial, you need to assign the websites to the numbers and you can use the key (mouse click is even faster) and here it's your most visited. Generally people will like to set the sites which they visit frequently and if any browser can do this automatically, then why do we need to set it manually?
I got some problem with the snap shots being taken for this screen. I will post this soon.For DevelopersFirst I thought, this browser is good for normal users, but not for developers. I was wrong. I found something good, which can help the developers. View source, JavaScript debugger, JavaScript Console and Task manager are worthy. Task manager will give you enough information about memory and CPU usage by the browsers.
This much for now, I will update this later.
Why don't you try and use world's best browser Mozilla Firefox 3? Please download it here.
Update on 8th Sep., 2008I was talking about the snapshot of most visited websites before. Let me focus on this. Some most visited websites such as Yahoo mail, Gmail redirects to another page. e.g. yahoomail.com redirects to in.mg50.mail.yahoo.com . gmail.com redirects you to mail.google.com . Here chrome takes the snapshot of the first url which we type on the web and shows as most visited. Instead it can take the snapshot of latter and show the latter as most visited.
Who looses after launch of Google ChromeGoogle chrome launched and took 1+% of uses share on the Internet. Then who loses this? That is a good browser, Mozilla Firefox. After Internet Explorer people use Mozilla Firefox. It has more than 22% of share.
Most of the IE users don't know what is a browser and there are so many good browsers, to have best web experience. They only know IE is something where they can visit any site. How can we expect that those people will use chrome?
Creating better competitive browsers can develop our technology and the advanced users of Internet will be benefited more. But this can't directly attract those users who use IE. So need to have some campaign and explain those what is a browser, what are the other alternatives available and how to experience the web in a better way.