Recently I came to know about a cold war between Darren Rowse (ProBlogger) and Hendrik (DuoBlogger), where Hendrik wrote about how A-List bloggers decrease the quality of their post and rely on their huge user base to earn money. A couple month back my friend Deb was telling how the top bloggers write only to earn money and increasing their Google pagerank by changing the way of writing a blog. Few bloggers started including other very less or no way related posts to their posts, so that it may carry some pagerank juice and some readers can click on those posts. One more thing I noticed is that some top bloggers post some silly or old tricks, information etc. to keep their post count ticking. And I found interesting is that few people posting comment on those silly post, like they don't knew that before and appreciate the author.
But the most important thing, in my opinion, which changed in recent days is the attitude of certain A-list bloggers. There was a time, when those bloggers follow up your comment and giving a reply to your questions or your constructive comment. Now they don't follow any of those comments. Just posting something good or useless and keeping them busy in getting ideas to earn more money. How could they find some time to reply what their readers think. The point here is they don't worry to loose one from the existing reader base. This is because, they became so popular that if one user is decreasing from the number, ten more are getting added. Why do they care about them?
What do you think about the A-List Bloggers? Who are the top bloggers not blogging for money? I know someone, who is a good blogger, no idea he comes in A-list or not, but you will like to read his blog. He is Head, TCS Innovation Lab - Web 2.0 at TCS. But you will never find any geeky stuff there. I enjoy reading his blog, hope you will too like that.
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