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Saw link to your profile in Orkut in an unknown's profile?

People often get worried when they see a link to their profile in the profile of any unknown person's profile (about me). Well this is a trick, this is not the link to your profile. Let me explain how it works.

When you will put this url ( in the address bar of your browser, then you can see your own profile. The url of anyone's profile is like this:
Where uid is the get method variable and the value is the user id of the user, whose profile you are visiting. But if that parameter is not available, then by default it will show, your profile.

In get method, it is needed to have ? after the filename and then the get parameters. If some thing is wrong or missing, then it will not accept these parameters. In this url ( you will find 2 after ? . Well 2 and ? are looking similar! So 2uid is not a valid variable here. So url ( is equal to url ( That is why you will see your profile. So no need to be worry. If you have any doubt regarding this or any other, then please send me an email or post here in comments.

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